Rob's Presentations, page 33

Making Kubernetes How We Build Things

kubernetes devops docker
5/22/2021 at DevFest Live in Budapest, Hungary (virtual)
It’s day 2. The corporate k8s cluster is humming. Everything works perfectly in a local environment, but how do you connect the wires?...

Level-up Your DevOps with GitHub Actions and Kubernetes

devops kubernetes
5/21/2021 at 200ok in Oklahoma (virtual)
Are you looking to rapidly deploy your content? Are Docker containers in your future? Come for this demo-only presentation where we start from scratch, live-code a Dockerfile, build up a DevOps pipeline in GitHub Actions, and deploy to Kubernetes....

Level-up Your DevOps with GitHub Actions and Kubernetes

devops kubernetes
5/13/2021 at DevOps Pro Europe
Are you looking to rapidly deploy your content? Are Docker containers in your future? Come for this demo-only presentation where we start from scratch, live-code a Dockerfile, build up a DevOps pipeline in GitHub Actions, and deploy to Kubernetes....

Database DevOps with Containers

Slides devops docker
5/12/2021 at We Are Developers Live
Unlike CI/CD pipelines for applications, we can’t just delete the database and pop up a new one with each new version....

Databases in the Microservices World

Slides data
5/12/2021 at Percona Live
Web technologies have come leaps and bounds. But are you still using the tired old database from last generation?...

Database DevOps with Containers

Slides devops docker
5/5/2021 at Data Platform Geeks Virtual Symposium
Unlike CI/CD pipelines for applications, we can’t just delete the database and pop up a new one with each new version....

JavaScript the Grumpy Parts

Slides javascript
5/4/2021 at Minnesota Developers Conference in Minnesota (virtual)
We love JavaScript, but we must admit: it’s weird. Why does this behave as it does?...

Making Kubernetes How We Build Things

kubernetes devops docker
5/4/2021 at Cloud Native Data Management Days (CNDM) in Europe (virtual)
It’s day 2. The corporate k8s cluster is humming. Everything works perfectly in a local environment, but how do you connect the wires?...

Continuous Security by Design

Slides docker security devops
4/30/2021 at BSides OK in Oklahoma (virtual)
Have you struggled to get security baked into your DevOps process or have your security needs taken a back seat to “run fast and break things”?...

Securing Docker Containers: Kubernetes just does that, right?

Slides docker devops security
4/30/2021 at BSides OK in Oklahoma (virtual)
Securing a container is like securing a virtual or physical machine. You need to understand what’s installed, ensure it’s patched, and reduce the attack surface....