Rob's Presentations with code, page 1

.NET Aspire: Your DevOps Companion

Slides core devops javascript
3/20/2025 at Greater Lansing User Group for .NET Devs (GLUGNET) in Lansing, MI (virtual)
.NET Aspire is the brand new framework from Microsoft for opinionated observability and deployment in the cloud....

.NET Aspire: Your DevOps Companion

Slides core devops javascript
2/27/2025 at ConFoo in Montreal, Québec, Canada
.NET Aspire is the brand new framework from Microsoft for opinionated observability and deployment in the cloud....

Feature Flags: Separate Deployment from Feature Release

Slides core node.js react devops
2/26/2025 at ConFoo in Montreal, Québec, Canada
Tired of rolling back the feature because a hotfix is coming through? Want to get away from code freezes to fit an arbitrary deadline?...

Terraform hands-on (Workshop)

Slides docker devops cloud terraform
2/25/2025 at ConFoo in Montreal, Québec, Canada
You’ve clicked through the cloud portal and deployed the infrastructure. But what about the next environment?...

Minimal APIs with ASP.NET

2/13/2025 at SLC.NET in Salt Lake City, UT (virtual)
With ASP.NET 6.0, there’s a 4th coding paradigm joining MVC, WebAPI, and Razor Pages: Minimal APIs....

.NET Aspire: Your DevOps Companion

Slides core devops javascript
1/23/2025 at Tulsa .NET User Group in Tulsa, OK (virtual)
.NET Aspire is the brand new framework from Microsoft for opinionated observability and deployment in the cloud....

Kubernetes hands-on (Workshop)

docker devops kubernetes
11/25/2024 at DevOpsCon Singapore in Sinagpore
Kubernetes is how you run Docker in production. Bring your laptop with Docker for Windows or Docker for Mac edge version installed....

The Culture of Python

11/21/2024 at Greater Lansing User Group for .NET Devs (GLUGNET) in Lansing, MI (virtual)
In this talk we don’t look at the syntax of Python. Though that’s interesting, that’s the easy part....

.NET Aspire: Your DevOps Companion

Slides core devops javascript
11/20/2024 at .NET User Group in Riverton, UT
.NET Aspire is the brand new framework from Microsoft for opinionated observability and deployment in the cloud....

.NET Testing Best Practices core testing
11/8/2024 at Øredev 2024 in Malmö, Sweden
This is a #NoSlides presentation where we’ll live-code all the tests. We’ll start with a code sample, discuss the tests we want to build, use xUnit and MoQ to build the tests, then refactor the code to be more testable....