Rob's Presentations, page 62

A taste of ES6: the language and the tools

Slides javascript node
4/28/2017 at Mobile Dev Test Conference in San Diego, CA
Curious about EcmaScript 6 / 2015? Want to use it today? JavaScript has come of age, and this latest version adds lots of syntactical sugar to make our code clearer....

Git Scenarios: How Do I Fix That?

4/26/2017 at JavaScript LA in Los Angeles, CA
Have you ever wondered how to get out of a bad merge? Have you ever gotten stuck trying to push your changes?...

Git Scenarios: How Do I Fix That?

4/25/2017 at JavaScript OC in Irvine, CA
Have you ever wondered how to get out of a bad merge? Have you ever gotten stuck trying to push your changes?...

Docker Hands-on Workshop

4/8/2017 at Southeast Valley .NET User Group in Chandler, AZ
Docker is carefully tucked between virtualization, continuous deployment, and pure awesome. Bring your Windows 10 Anniversary Update or Mac OS X El Capitan 10....

Software Architecture for the Cloud

Slides azure cloud

A taste of ES6: the language and the tools

Slides javascript node
3/10/2017 at ConFoo in Montreal, Québec, Canada
Curious about EcmaScript 6 / 2015? Want to use it today? JavaScript has come of age, and this latest version adds lots of syntactical sugar to make our code clearer....

Git Scenarios: How Do I Fix That?

3/9/2017 at ConFoo in Montreal, Québec, Canada
Have you ever wondered how to get out of a bad merge? Have you ever gotten stuck trying to push your changes?...

JavaScript Tests in Node, the Browser, and CI

javascript node testing
2/8/2017 at Node OC in Irvine, CA
Good software practices don’t end just because you’re building a thick client in the browser. The JavaScript community is a flourishing boutique of high-quality tools and techniques....

Custom Git Deployment to Azure

Slides git azure devops cloud
2/7/2017 at SoCal Azure in Irvine, CA
Did you know you can run a CI pipeline in Azure as you Git deploy your Web App?...

Docker Hands-on Workshop

1/24/2017 at CodeDistrict in Torrence, CA
Docker is carefully tucked between virtualization, continuous deployment, and pure awesome. Bring your Windows 10 Anniversary Update or Mac OS X El Capitan 10....