Docker Hands-on Workshop

8/2/2017 at Kansas City Developer Converence in Kansas City, MO

Docker is carefully tucked between virtualization, continuous deployment, and pure awesome. Bring your Windows 10 Anniversary Update or Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11 laptop, and we’ll walk through together getting Docker for Windows or Docker for Mac installed, fired up, and get you building development and production containers. We’ll dig deep into:

  • installing prerequisites and Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows
  • Dockerfile
  • Docker volumes
  • Docker Compose
  • Docker Swarm
  • Best practices for building at cloud scale
  • Tips & Tricks for leveraging Docker
  • Administering Docker hosts

We’ll look at the commands and ecosystem around building infrastructure as code, deploying a swarm, and sharing images on Docker Hub. Come see why devs and ops love Docker.