Rob's Presentations, page 52
Redux: the MVC framework for data
javascript react
at PrairieDevCon
in Winnipeg, MB, Canada
The MVC Pattern provides elegant abstractions for web requests. Redux provides similar patterns for data movement in React....
Docker Isn't All Hype; Create Robust Deployments for your SPA and API
docker core javascript node
at PrairieDevCon
in Winnipeg, MB, Canada
You’ve built a SPA and an API backend, and you’re now looking to deploy with ease....
Migrating to Containers using Istio and Kubernetes with Rob Richardson
docker kubernetes security
at .NET Rocks
Ready to move your applications into containers? Carl and Richard chat with Rob Richardson about his work migrating existing applications running in virtual machines over to containers using Kubernetes as the orchestration engine and Istio as the traffic manager....
Securing Docker Containers: Kubernetes just does that, right?
docker devops security
at Cloud Security Alliance Southwest Chapter
in Phoenix, AZ
Securing a container is like securing a virtual or physical machine. You need to understand what’s installed, ensure it’s patched, and reduce the attack surface....
Docker for Windows Container Development
docker devops core
at DockerCon
in San Francisco, CA
Docker is carefully tucked between virtualization, continuous deployment, and pure awesome, available for Linux and Windows software development....
Rob Richardson on Containers in Azure
docker devops azure
at Azure DevOps Podcast
Today’s guest is Rob Richardson — a software craftsman building web properties in ASP.NET, Node, Angular, and Vue....
Anatomy of a Web Request
at Indy.Code()
in Indianapolis, IN
What happens after you type the web address before the page renders? Is it a black box to you?...
Kubernetes Test Drive
docker devops kubernetes
at Indy.Code()
in Indianapolis, IN
Are you a Docker aficionado or are you new to the Docker ecosystem? Come see how Kubernetes (K8s) adds a mature solution for running containers in production and development....
JavaScript Async Deep-dive
javascript node async
at Indy.Code()
in Indianapolis, IN
Callbacks, promises, async, oh my! Asynchrony in JavaScript has come of age. We’ll start with a quick history of the 3 techniques....
Docker Hands-on Workshop
at Indy.Code()
in Indianapolis, IN
Docker is carefully tucked between virtualization, continuous deployment, and pure awesome. Bring your Windows 10 Anniversary Update or Mac OS X El Capitan 10....