Rob's Presentations, page 38

Choosing from the many ways to Docker in Azure

Slides docker devops azure
2/27/2021 at Netcoreconf in Madrid, Spain (virtual)
You’re ready to go cloud native with containers. Now where do you begin on Azure? There’s a dizying amount of container options available in Azure....

Gaining Confidence with Cypress Tests

Slides testing javascript
2/26/2021 at ConFoo in Montreal, Québec, Canada
Have you ever wanted to refactor mercilessly but didn’t want to break the fragile tower? Or have you ever pushed to production only to spend the next few days cleaning up the regressions?...

At The Helm of Kubernetes: Repeatable Infrastructure Creation for Mere Mortals

Slides docker kubernetes devops
2/24/2021 at Southeast Valley .NET User Group in Chandler, AZ (virtual)
As we get deeper into Kubernetes yaml files, we see a lot of duplication. Can we move to a higher level that eliminates this duplication?...

Building Stateful Workloads in Kubernetes

Slides kubernetes
2/24/2021 at ConFoo in Montreal, Québec, Canada (virtual
It’s day 2. Kubernetes is running. You have your deployments and services set. Now how do you migrate the data store?...

Containerized Deployments for your SPA and API

Slides docker kubernetes core vue.js
2/24/2021 at JS World Conference
You’ve built a SPA and an API backend, and you’re now looking to deploy with ease....

ASP.NET Core in Linux and Windows Containers

Slides core docker
2/23/2021 at Tulsa .NET User Group in Tulsa, OK (virtual)
Docker is carefully tucked between virtualization, continuous deployment, and pure awesome. ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform, open-source reimagination of the Microsoft stack....

Database DevOps with Containers

Slides devops docker
2/23/2021 at MVP Fusion & Friends in Germany (virtual)
Unlike CI/CD pipelines for applications, we can’t just delete the database and pop up a new one with each new version....

At The Helm of Kubernetes: Repeatable Infrastructure Creation for Mere Mortals

Slides docker kubernetes devops
2/18/2021 at DeveloperWeek in San Francisco, CA (virtual)
As we get deeper into Kubernetes yaml files, we see a lot of duplication. Can we move to a higher level that eliminates this duplication?...

JavaScript the Grumpy Parts

Slides javascript
2/17/2021 at CincinatiJS in Cincinati, OH (virtual)
We love JavaScript, but we must admit: it’s weird. Why does this behave as it does?...

Vue.js and TypeScript: Working Together like Peanut Butter and Jelly

Slides javascript spa vue.js
2/17/2021 at ColumbusJS in Columbus, OH (virtual)
Have you struggled to get TypeScript and Vue to play well together? Me too. Vue is a fantastic SPA framework, and TypeScript is a great way for catching errors faster....