Rob's Presentations on security, page 5

Service Mess to Service Mesh

Slides kubernetes security
3/8/2020 at Scale 18x in Pasadena, CA
In our quest to secure all the things, do we jump in too quickly? We’ll use Istio and Linkerd as example service meshes, and look at the features we would expect from a service mesh....

Service Mess to Service Mesh

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3/4/2020 at CNCF Webinar
We are witnessing the rise of microservices and cloud-native technologies. However, one big challenge of microservice architecture is the overhead of having to request services across a well-defined API....

Zoom In, Zoom Out. Fresh look at Kubernetes Security

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12/19/2019 at Wallarm Webinar
Cloud-native applications and infrastructure create several new challenges for all of us security professionals. We need to establish new security programs, have a new mindset and adopt advanced new tools that are focused primarily on securing cloud-native technologies....

Kubernetes Security: Zooming In - Zooming Out

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12/9/2019 at Open FinTech Forum in New York, NY
The landscape around modern security practices is rapidly evolving and complex. As Docker and Kubernetes gain mainstream momentum, practices such as continuous delivery, cloud-native development and DevOps require a fresh look at security....

Securing Docker Containers: Kubernetes just does that, right?

Slides docker devops security
11/19/2019 at DevIntersection in Las Vegas, NV
Securing a container is like securing a virtual or physical machine. You need to understand what’s installed, ensure it’s patched, and reduce the attack surface....

Istio, a Service Mesh on Kubernetes. When do I need it?

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9/24/2019 at WeaveWorks in San Francisco, CA (virtual)
You may be hearing about service meshes and technologies like Istio. There are benefits that the technologies address, but they also bring in added levels of complexity....

Migrating to Containers using Istio and Kubernetes with Rob Richardson

docker kubernetes security
5/30/2019 at .NET Rocks
Ready to move your applications into containers? Carl and Richard chat with Rob Richardson about his work migrating existing applications running in virtual machines over to containers using Kubernetes as the orchestration engine and Istio as the traffic manager....

Securing Docker Containers: Kubernetes just does that, right?

Slides docker devops security
5/21/2019 at Cloud Security Alliance Southwest Chapter in Phoenix, AZ
Securing a container is like securing a virtual or physical machine. You need to understand what’s installed, ensure it’s patched, and reduce the attack surface....

Securing Docker Containers: Kubernetes just does that, right?

Slides docker devops security
4/12/2019 at DevSecOps Phoenix 2019 in Phoenix, AZ
Securing a container is like securing a virtual or physical machine. You need to understand what’s installed, ensure it’s patched, and reduce the attack surface....