Rob's Presentations on core, page 4

Containerized Deployments for your SPA and API

Slides docker kubernetes core vue.js
10/14/2020 at API Conference in Berlin, Germany (virtual)
You’ve built a SPA and an API backend, and you’re now looking to deploy with ease....

Docker for Windows Container Development

docker devops core
10/3/2020 at TDevConf in Tennessee (virtual)
Docker is carefully tucked between virtualization, continuous deployment, and pure awesome, available for Linux and Windows software development....

Containerized Deployments for your SPA and API

Slides docker kubernetes core vue.js
10/1/2020 at GIDS.Web in India (virtual)
You’ve built a SPA and an API backend, and you’re now looking to deploy with ease....

Create Robust Deployments for your SPA and API

Slides docker kubernetes core vue.js
8/14/2020 at JavaScript & Friends in Columbus, OH (virtual)
You’ve built a SPA and an API backend, and you’re now looking to deploy with ease....

Developing with HTTPS in Containers

Slides docker core
8/5/2020 at GIDS Cloud Live in India (virtual)
HTTPS is the new black. In production, you’ll likely terminate HTTPS at the load balancer. But how do you develop HTTPS content inside Docker containers?...

Debug Kubernetes with Azure Dev Spaces

Slides kubernetes azure core node
7/28/2020 at Virtual Azure Community Day
Azure Dev Spaces is a whole new way to debug container-based microservices. Let’s fire up DevSpaces and debug just the microservice we need in context with the rest of the swarm of services....

Docker for Windows Container Development

docker devops core
7/14/2020 at LightUp in India (virtual)
Docker is carefully tucked between virtualization, continuous deployment, and pure awesome, available for Linux and Windows software development....

Your Technology Your Way: Full-stack Web and Service with .NET and Node

Slides core javascript node
4/17/2020 at DotNet Open Source Days
Do you want to build full-stack with your stack? We’ll build an ASP.NET website using Blazor and WebAPI, a back-end service using Service Worker and gRPC....

ASP.NET Dos and Don'ts for highly maintainable code core
2/28/2020 at ConFoo Montreal in Montreal, Québec, Canada
What is legacy code? Did I just write more of it? ASP.NET rebooted itself to make it more maintainable and performant....

Your Technology Your Way: Full-stack Web and Service with .NET and Node

Slides core javascript node
2/27/2020 at ConFoo Montreal in Montreal, Québec, Canada
Do you want to build full-stack with your stack? We’ll build an ASP.NET website using Blazor and WebAPI, a back-end service using Service Worker and gRPC....