Rob's Presentations with video, page 9

Databases in the Microservices World

Slides data
10/3/2020 at Central Wisconson IT Conference (CWITC) in Stevens Point, WI (virtual)
Web technologies have come leaps and bounds. But are you still using the tired old database from last generation?...

Service Mess to Service Mesh

Slides kubernetes security
9/29/2020 at DevOpsDays Boston in Boston, MA (virtual)
In our quest to secure all the things, do we jump in too quickly? We’ll use Istio and Linkerd as example service meshes, and look at the features we would expect from a service mesh....

Service Mess to Service Mesh

Slides kubernetes security
9/17/2020 at BCS DevSecOps in London (virtual)
In our quest to secure all the things, do we jump in too quickly? We’ll use Istio and Linkerd as example service meshes, and look at the features we would expect from a service mesh....

Level-up Your DevOps with GitHub Actions and Azure Functions

devops azure
9/4/2020 at ServerlessDays ANZ in Australia (virtual)
Are you looking to rapidly deploy your content? Are Docker containers in your future? Come for this demo-only presentation where we start from scratch, live-code a Dockerfile, build up a DevOps pipeline in GitHub Actions, and deploy to Kubernetes....

Create Robust Deployments for your SPA and API

Slides docker kubernetes core vue.js
8/14/2020 at JavaScript & Friends in Columbus, OH (virtual)
You’ve built a SPA and an API backend, and you’re now looking to deploy with ease....

Building Stateful Workloads in Kubernetes

Slides kubernetes
7/29/2020 at Kubernetes Phoenix Meetup in Phoenix, AZ (virtual)
It’s day 2. Kubernetes is running. You have your deployments and services set. Now how do you migrate the data store?...

Debug Kubernetes with Azure Dev Spaces

Slides kubernetes azure core node
7/28/2020 at Virtual Azure Community Day
Azure Dev Spaces is a whole new way to debug container-based microservices. Let’s fire up DevSpaces and debug just the microservice we need in context with the rest of the swarm of services....

Databases in the Microservices World

Slides data
7/22/2020 at OpenShift Commons
Web technologies have come leaps and bounds. But are you still using the tired old database from last generation?...

Building Stateful Workloads in Kubernetes

Slides kubernetes
6/23/2020 at Camp Cloud Native
It’s day 2. Kubernetes is running. You have your deployments and services set. Now how do you migrate the data store?...

Building Stateful Workloads in Kubernetes

Slides kubernetes
6/15/2020 at Integration Monday
It’s day 2. Kubernetes is running. You have your deployments and services set. Now how do you migrate the data store?...