Rob's blogs on Blog posts for tools page 3

"Command Prompt" in Windows Explorer Context Menu

There’s a great power-toy for adding “Command Prompt” to the Windows Explorer context menu in XP here (or search for XP Power Toys)....

LINQ to SQL Visualizer isn't in the transaction it is visualizing

The LINQ to SQL Visualizer is a phenomenal tool. This is how debugging should be done....

Double-click the document in Solution Explorer -> Code View by default

Ok, this has been an annoyance for long enough. I’m in Visual Studio. I double-click on a web service’s code behind file in the Solution Explorer, and up pops an empty designer window....

LINQPad – Query Analizer for Linq

There’s an awesome tool called LINQPad by Joseph Albahari – completely free, download here. (“LINQPad is not an open-source product and the source code is protected by standard copyright laws....

Linq to Sql Query Visualizer

Scott Guthrie described an awesome Linq to Sql Query Visualizer here. His context is Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2....

TortoiseSVN committed a file like myapp.pdb or Thumbs.db. Now what?

A very specific rule for using source control is to avoid putting temporary files, user files, or compiled content into the repository....

new mail arrived Desktop Alert doesn't work for filtered mail in Outlook 2007

Since converting from Outlook 2003 to Outlook 2007, I’ve noticed I never got the new mail arrived popup nor the task bar envelope icon....

Can't stream flash video in IIS

I’ve got more than one gray hair from this one. The symptom is simple: Cassini (the development web server) hosts streaming flash videos just fine....

"My VM disk is too small"

I’ve loaded up a Vista VMware session with all sorts of fun gizmos, and came to a perplexing dilema: “My VM disk is too small”....

Outlook 2007, the RSS Reader

I finally sat down to load up all my RSS feeds from Google Desktop to Outlook 2007....