Rob's blogs on Blog posts for events page 2

HTML5: A Primer

It was my pleasure to speak at the Phoenix Java User Group this evening, discussing HTML5....

Thinking in Git

I had the great pleasure of presenting at SEVDNUG with my son this evening. He was a wonderful asset, and a great star....

Extending ASP.NET MVC

It is my pleasure to speak tonight at the SEVDNUG about extending ASP.NET MVC. This talk grew out of an impromptu talk I gave at Desert Code Camp 2011....

Desert Code Camp 2011.2

Desert Code Camp is always such a pleasure, and I’m pleased to be able to speak twice this time....

Web Forms to Razor

I’m honored to present at SEVDNUG tonight. Our topic is “Web Forms to Razor”. Our primary focus is getting familiar with the new mechanisms in Razor and MVC, and learning how we can transition a product from one platform to another....

Dependency Injection with Ninject and Mocking with MoQ

Today it’s my great pleasure to lead the discussion about Dependency Injection with Ninject and Mocking with MoQ at the SEVDNUG....

Google Maps JavaScript API v3 Demo

I was honored to speak at the Google Technology User Group last night. To combine a love of JavaScript, a very powerful tool, and an audience of enthusiastic fans is an incredible joy....

Presenting jQuery

I had a great honor of presenting both an intro and advanced jQuery class at successive JavaScript Users’ Groups....

Desert Code Camp and Desert Code Camp Jr

In the past few years, I’ve been privileged to learn and network at Desert Code Camp....

Continuous Integration

It’s my pleasure tonight to present Continuous Integration: best practices, methodologies, and tools at the SEVDNUG....