Blog page 6

.IsNullOrEmpty() for List and Dictionary

string.IsNullOrEmpty() in C# for strings is awesome. I pass in a string, it tells me if it was null or blank....

Validating web content in CI

If I had another 257 hours in the day, I’d love to build the ultimate web content validator into the continuous integration process I now have....

Working with both VS 2010 and 2008 on the team

With any software version upgrade, there are those that upgrade on day 1, and can’t wait to get the beta bits of v....

Presenting jQuery

I had a great honor of presenting both an intro and advanced jQuery class at successive JavaScript Users’ Groups....

iPhone: it's not really a digital convergence device

It finally gelled in my head what bugged me about the iPhone’s lack of simultaneous processing....

iPhone: the rise and fall of the latest Apple gadget

The iPhone. It’s a wonderful device. It was a game changer. 3 years ago when it was released, it revolutionized the phone landscape....

VS's Cassini (Web Server) + Fiddler = Remote testing

From time to time, I have a need to debug a web site from a browser not installed on my current machine....

Logging and Rewriting Service Calls

I love web services. I love how easy it is to wire up a JavaScript client either through jQuery or through a ServiceProxy....

Desert Code Camp and Desert Code Camp Jr

In the past few years, I’ve been privileged to learn and network at Desert Code Camp....

Continuous Integration

It’s my pleasure tonight to present Continuous Integration: best practices, methodologies, and tools at the SEVDNUG....