Blog page 5

Dependency Injection with Ninject and Mocking with MoQ

Today it’s my great pleasure to lead the discussion about Dependency Injection with Ninject and Mocking with MoQ at the SEVDNUG....

HtmlHelper for something that isn't the Model in ASP.NET MVC

I’m in the midst of a Razor View, and I want to use things like @Html....

CruiseControl.NET home page link to latest build

I often find that I hit the CruiseControl.NET home page, see red on a build, and specifically want the latest build report....

A cool List .Sort() extension method via lambda

Here’s an awesome List<T>.Sort() extension method: public static List<T> Sort<T,U> ( this List<T> Source, Func<T,U> OrderFunc ) { return Source....

Google Maps JavaScript API v3 Demo

I was honored to speak at the Google Technology User Group last night. To combine a love of JavaScript, a very powerful tool, and an audience of enthusiastic fans is an incredible joy....

Get all Enum values as a List

Often times it’s helpful to get a list of all defined values for an enum. Enum....

GetCookies Safely

The broken code: HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["cookiename"]; if ( cookie != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( cookie.Value ) ) { The problem: this code will create an entry named “cookiename” in the Request’s Cookies dictionary....

Pop GMail on more than one machine

I’ll set this gem here before I lose it again: The problem definition: I’ve got more than one machine POPing my GMail....

iPhone to Android via Droid X

I’ve really enjoyed my Droid X. A friend looking to make a similar move from an iPhone to an Android phone asked me about my experience....

My current CI setup

I was asked by email what my current CI setup is, and did I have a blog post about it....