Rob's Presentations, page 57

The Docker Stack with Rob Richardson

docker devops
2/27/2018 at .Net Rocks!
What goes into a Docker stack? Carl and Richard talk to Rob Richardson about how containers are evolving in the ....

CI/CD on the Microsoft Stack

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2/20/2018 at Phoenix DevOps Meetup in Phoenix, AZ
Right-click Publish is easy, but it’s evil. FTP it up is fragile and error prone. You know you need to run tests and deploy in a consistent way....

Docker for All

docker devops
2/12/2018 at Cynical Developer
In this epsiode we talk to Rob Richardson about Docker...

Force Multiplier

2/1/2018 at Developer on Fire
Rob Richardson talks with Dave Rael about passion for software development, scaling impact, community, teaching, and taking action...

Docker is more than just kernel virtualization

Slides docker devops
1/23/2018 at Developer On Fire Remote Conference
Every Docker talk starts by saying Kernel Virtualization. Stop selling it short. Docker is a game changer; a cloud-agnostic universal platform for deployment; a tool that changes the way we behave....

Disambiguating .NET Technologies

12/20/2017 in Phoenix, AZ
As a recruiter, do you have trouble understanding the alphabet soup of technologies and platforms? Have you ever struggled to match ....

What is this .NET Core thing anyway?

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12/5/2017 at ConFoo in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Have you heard the buzz? .NET Core 2.0 is released, and with it a great compatability story with regular ....

Docker is more than Kernel Virtualization

12/4/2017 at ConFoo in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Every Docker Intro talk starts by saying Kernel Virtualization. Stop selling it short. Docker is a game changer; a universal platform we all use....

Serverless Architecture in Azure

Slides azure serverless cloud
12/4/2017 at ConFoo in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
AWS has Lambda, Azure has Azure Functions, Web Jobs, and App Service. Whether you want to script pay-by-the-drink web endpoints or build more traditional micro services or run custom workloads in Docker....

Docker Hands-on Workshop

11/28/2017 at Sela Developer Practice in Tel Aviv, Israel
Docker is carefully tucked between virtualization, continuous deployment, and pure awesome. Bring your Windows 10 Anniversary Update or Mac OS X El Capitan 10....