Rob's Presentations, page 27

At The Helm of Kubernetes: Repeatable Infrastructure Creation for Mere Mortals

Slides docker kubernetes devops
9/22/2021 at WeAreDevelopers Cloud Day in Europe (virtual)
As we get deeper into Kubernetes yaml files, we see a lot of duplication. Can we move to a higher level that eliminates this duplication?...

Continuous Security by Design

Slides docker security devops
9/22/2021 at DevOps Days Houston in Houston, TX
Have you struggled to get security baked into your DevOps process or have your security needs taken a back seat to “run fast and break things”?...

Git Tips & Tricsk I Wish I Had Known Sooner

9/22/2021 at GitKon
Created in 2005 by Linus Torvalds, Git was designed to maintain the development of the Linux Kernel....

Level-up Your DevOps with GitHub Actions and Kubernetes

devops kubernetes
9/21/2021 at Container Days in Europe (virtual)
Are you looking to rapidly deploy your content? Are Docker containers in your future? Come for this demo-only presentation where we start from scratch, live-code a Dockerfile, build up a DevOps pipeline in GitHub Actions, and deploy to Kubernetes....

Continuous Security by Design

Slides docker security devops
9/17/2021 at GrrCon in Grand Rapids, MI
Have you struggled to get security baked into your DevOps process or have your security needs taken a back seat to “run fast and break things”?...

Database DevOps with Containers

Slides devops docker
9/17/2021 at DataCon LA in Los Angeles, CA (virtual)
Unlike CI/CD pipelines for applications, we can’t just delete the database and pop up a new one with each new version....

From Build Script to Dockerfile

Slides docker devops
9/17/2021 at PowerShell, DevOps, and Cloud Conference in India (virtual)
The quest of CI/CD is a uniform build in a neutral environment. With Docker’s multi-stage builds, you can get lean production images while ensuring software quality metrics, and bundling optimization is done exactly right each time....

Containerized Deployments for your SPA and API

Slides docker kubernetes core vue.js
9/16/2021 at Docker Community All-Hands
You’ve built a SPA and an API backend, and you’re now looking to deploy with ease....

Gaining Confidence with Cypress Tests

Slides testing javascript
9/16/2021 at Music City Code in Nashville, TN (virtual)
Have you ever wanted to refactor mercilessly but didn’t want to break the fragile tower? Or have you ever pushed to production only to spend the next few days cleaning up the regressions?...

Level-up Your DevOps with GitHub Actions and Kubernetes

devops kubernetes
9/16/2021 at PowerShell, DevOps, and Cloud Conference in India (virtual)
Are you looking to rapidly deploy your content? Are Docker containers in your future? Come for this demo-only presentation where we start from scratch, live-code a Dockerfile, build up a DevOps pipeline in GitHub Actions, and deploy to Kubernetes....