Rob's blogs on Blog posts for code page 3

.IsNullOrEmpty() for List and Dictionary

string.IsNullOrEmpty() in C# for strings is awesome. I pass in a string, it tells me if it was null or blank....

Validating web content in CI

If I had another 257 hours in the day, I’d love to build the ultimate web content validator into the continuous integration process I now have....

Working with both VS 2010 and 2008 on the team

With any software version upgrade, there are those that upgrade on day 1, and can’t wait to get the beta bits of v....

Logging and Rewriting Service Calls

I love web services. I love how easy it is to wire up a JavaScript client either through jQuery or through a ServiceProxy....

IoC: What is it and why do I care?

It finally sank into my melon why Dependency Injection, Inversion of Control, and IoC Containers exist....

jQuery – LINQ to JavaScript

I had the privilege of presenting jQuery at Desert Code Camp today. jQuery is the do more, write less JavaScript library....

Conditional Compile based on .net framework version

Ok, I’ve been after this one for quite a while. I want to include stuff like Moth....

Validator Callout doesn't display on second control after fixing first control

There’s a bug in the Validator Callout in the AJAX Control Toolkit documented by bugs 10900, 12342, 15698, and 11701 on the Code Plex site....

Compile time reminders

For ages I’ve wanted to be able to put a comment of some kind in my code that I could get to come up during a build....

Filter Sql Server Profiler by Database

Ok, I stumbled with this one enough times to log it here. I want to tune a database I’m working with....