A Dozen JavaScript Libraries
It was my pleasure to present A Dozen JavaScript Libraries at vNext Phoenix this evening. I think we had a record crowd! It was great seeing old friends and meeting new friends. Presenting a dozen libraries in an hour and a half is quite a challenge, and we ended up rushing through the last few. If you missed it, you can view the slides or come see me present it again at Desert Code Camp. How did it go? The reviews are starting to come in:
Just spent a couple of hours this evening listening to Rob Richardson give an awesome presentation on A Dozen JavaScript Libraries. – Guy Ellisand
Just got back from a great meetup focusing on 12 JavaScript libraries, even had some live coding (and debugging of course) in there. – Jack Ketcham (@_jket) @rob_rich enjoyed listening to your talk this evening, thanks! – Jack Ketcham (@_jket)and
I attended your vnext presentation today. Thanks very much for putting that together. I learned some new things. Hope to see you at another meetup soon! – Rebecca (by email)It sounds like the audience had as much fun as the presenter. Thank you to
Interface for hosting, and to Dave Campbell for leading this great group.