
Docker Isn't All Hype

Create Robust Deployments for Vue.js and ASP.NET Core

by Rob Richardson



About Me

Rob Richardson is a software craftsman building web properties in ASP.NET and Node, Angular and React. He's a frequent speaker at conferences, user groups, and community events, and a diligent teacher and student of high quality software development. You can find this and other talks on https://robrich.org/presentations and follow him on twitter at @rob_rich.

What is Docker?

Docker is an ecosystem around Container Virtualization

What are Containers?

Light-weight kernel virtualization

What is Docker?

A suite of command-line tools for creating, running, and managing containers

Containers vs VMs

vm vs container

Source: http://www.zdnet.com/article/what-is-docker-and-why-is-it-so-darn-popular/


Containers virtualize and share the host kernel

Containers must run on the kernel for which they were built:

  • Linux containers run on a Linux host
  • Windows containers run on Windows Server host

Host Docker in a VM

docker nested in a vm

Docker pitches end here

Docker Ecosystem

docker ecosystem

Download: https://robrich.org/slides/welcome-to-docker/docker-ecosystem.pdf


Scaffold and dockerize apps

Tutorials end here

Docker architecture design


2 containers, 2 domains

2 containers, 2 domains


  • Scale containers separately
  • Evolve pieces separately


  • Need different urls for each environment
  • Developer settings may differ
  • Rebuild images to inject new setting
  • CORS headers are surprisingly hard


2 containers, 1 domain

2 containers, 1 domain


  • Scale containers separately
  • No hard-coded urls
  • No CORS headers


  • Need kubernetes or other proxy
  • Entire backend must be on one subdomain or proxied to other services


1 container, 1 domain

1 container, 1 domain


  • Easily deploy whole app to single hosting account


  • Can't scale front end and back end seperately


Server-rendered SPA

Server-rendered SPA


  • Great for performance
  • Great for SEO: full html delivered to browser


  • Best with a Node.js (JavaScript) back-end
  • Generally doesn't use SPA's CLI

Which solution is the best?

It depends