by Rob Richardson
Rob Richardson is a software craftsman building web properties in ASP.NET and Node, React and Vue. He's a frequent speaker at conferences, user groups, and community events, and a diligent teacher and student of high quality software development. You can find this and other talks on and follow him on twitter at @rob_rich.
Outsourced, utility-billed hardware.
You name pets,
you feed pets,
you dress them up
in little dresses
There's a whole herd
of cattle, and we tend
to the entire herd at once
Maybe different machine when you wake up
We need to learn not to care
We can't assume there's only one process running
Maybe there's 2 servers running this code
Maybe there's 1,000 servers running this code
Upgrading an app to get cloud ready
Data Storage: SQL, NoSQL, and Files
PaaS | Azure Web Apps |
IaaS | Azure Kubernetes Service |
SaaS | Azure Functions |
I'll show direct deployment ways.
Use these to get familiar with Azure.
Don't do this in production.
Use DevOps Automation:
Azure DevOps, GitHub Actions, Jenkins, etc.
Azure Web Apps
Azure App Service
Azure Kubernetes Service
Azure Container Registry
Meets you where you are.