
Git Workflows and Best Practices

by Rob Richardson



About Me

Rob Richardson

Rob Richardson is a software craftsman building web properties in ASP.NET and Node, React and Vue. He's a frequent speaker at conferences, user groups, and community events, and a diligent teacher and student of high quality software development. You can find this and other talks on https://robrich.org/presentations and follow him on twitter at @rob_rich.


git commit, branch, push, pull

``` git pull git branch git commit git push ``` We got this!

The Purpose of
Source Control

Git Best Practices


Git Best Practices

Git Workflows

Git Flow

Git Flow feature

Git Flow

Git Flow deploy

Git Flow

Git Flow hotfix

Git Flow

Git Flow

Git Flow

GitHub Flow


GitLab Flow


Open-source Contributions

Git Workflows

Strategy Best for Criticisms
GitFlow Separate dev & QA, formal release process Too formal
GitHub Flow Frequent release Must deploy on merge
Branch-on-Release Multiple active versions Newer isn't always better
GitLab Flow Multiple environments Dev to User is long
OneFlow GitFlow++ Is it different?
Open-source Contributions Untrusted contributors Can't keep up with upstream

Git will meet you where you are